The episodes for the eighteenth season of the anime series Naruto: Shippuden are based on Part II for Masashi Kishimoto’s manga series. The season continues the battle between the ninja alliance and Obito Uchiha. It also features two story arcs, one featuring Mecha Naruto from Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution, and the other detailing Hinata and Hanabi’s progress throughout the series. The episodes are directed by Hayato Date, and produced by Studio Pierrot and TV Tokyo.
The season aired from August to December 2014.[2] The DVD collection was released on April 1, 2015 under the title of The Fourth Great Ninja War – Obito Uchiha (忍界大戦・うちはオビト Ninkai Taisen – Uchiha Obito).
The season contains four musical themes between two opening and two endings. The first opening theme, “Guren” (紅蓮, “Crimson”) by DOES, is used from episode 373 to 379. The second opening theme, “Silhouette” (シルエット “Shiruetto“) by KANA-BOON, is used from episode 380 to 393. The first ending theme, “Never Change” by SHUN and Lyu:Lyu is used from episode 373 to 379. The second ending theme, “Dame Dame da” (だめだめだ, “It’s Absolutely No Good”) by Shiori Tomita, is used from episode 380 to 393.